Guillaume Beaudoin. cinematographer, Director.
Guillaume Beaudoin began his journey in sports filming in the early 2000s. After winning a video contest in 2008, he launched his career as a freelance director of photography. His work has taken him to over 70 countries, where he has photographed and directed various projects, including music videos, commercial films, documentaries, and TV shows. Regardless of the assignment, his mission as a Director of Photography is to create images that not only convey a story but also evoke the viewer’s intuition in subtle ways.
In 2017, Guillaume embarked on a remarkable 7-month journey, hitchhiking by sail, to collect film stories from locals who were taking initiatives in the fight against climate change. Following this adventure, he joined forces with Boyan Slat for the deployment of the Ocean Cleanup system in the North Pacific Garbage patch—a significant undertaking that marked his third ocean crossing in just three years. The resulting documentary is was released in 2020.
Guillaume’s aerial filming expertise predates the era of drones; he started with para-motors and helicopters. Over the years, he has accumulated thousands of hours of drone flights across the globe. From capturing footage near the Great Pyramids to documenting the tribes of Vanuatu and tackling challenging offshore aerial shots. Regardless of the project type, he consistently delivers images that encapsulate the essence of the assignment in a creative and impactful way.
For the past two years, Guillaume has been working as an underwater cinematographer for TV5 Monde. His work spans fiction, advertisements, and documentary projects. Whether filming humpback whales, bull sharks, or diving for macro shots at night, he brings his expertise to the underwater world. His certifications include PADI rescue diver, PADI deep dive, PADI Nitrox, and Bosiet offshore certified FALCK. IG @guillaumebd
Au cours des dernières années, le directeur photo Guillaume Beaudoin a parcouru plus de soixante pays pour y prendre des clichés aériens, terrestres et sous-marins. Périple en voilier-stop dans les îles du Pacifique, mission avec le Ocean Cleanup et découverte des derniers peuples nomades d'Afrique et d'Asie : Guillaume se déplace au gré du vent et de ses rencontres. En donnant la parole aux personnes qu'il croise sur son chemin, Guillaume s'intéresse à l'impact des changements climatique et de la mondialisation sur les différentes communautés de la planète. Un livre profondément humain, à mi-chemin entre le récit de voyage et le documentaire.
“In recent years, the director of photography Guillaume Beaudoin has traveled to over sixty countries to capture aerial, terrestrial, and underwater shots. His journey includes hitchhiking by sailboat through the islands of the Pacific, participating in the Ocean Cleanup mission, and discovering the last nomadic peoples of Africa and Asia. Guillaume moves with the wind and encounters various individuals along the way. By giving voice to those he meets, he explores the impact of climate change and globalization on different communities around the world. This deeply human book lies halfway between a travelogue and a documentary.”
L’odyssée pacifique - Oasis Immersion
At the intersection of technology, arts, science and progress, the OASIS immersion is a new kind of immersive magazine, featuring inspiring people, places and ideas that shape our times. The L’odyssée Pacifique, a refreshing immersive experience, directed by Guillaume BeaudoinThere was a time when we wanted to conquer the sea. Today, we’re fighting to preserve this incredible realm, which teems with life. Dive into a fabulous adventure in the South Pacific in this special collaboration with TV5 and the Parfum d’encre publishing house. A calm, immersive experience.
OASIS immersion offers a new, permanent, all-immersive 2,000 m2 (over 21,500 ft2 ) museal space located on the ground floor of the Palais des congrès de Montréal. The site will be home to enthralling all-immersive exhibitions inspired by the people, the places and the trends that shape and galvanize our world, here and around the world.